Electric power consulting

  • Smart use of electricity

    • Operation improvement
    • Electric power consulting

    We provide total solutions through electricity “visualization” with the SMARTMETER ERIA/SMART CLOCK and electricity “comprehension” with the demand browsing service. We propose efficient energy conservation activities after hearing the status of a customer’s electricity usage and support operational improvements and increased productivity.

    Electric power consulting
  • Support energy conservation through electricity “visualization”

    Notify the timing of energy conservation behavior





    Support energy conservation through electricity “comprehension”

    “Comprehension” of usage status through electric power data

    Demand browsing service

    Demand browsing

Awarded the FY2021 Energy Conservation Grand Prize

Awarded the FY2021 Energy Conservation Grand Prize

The Energy Conservation Grand Prize is a system sponsored by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan to recognize energy conservation initiatives that are a model for other companies and for superior energy conservation products and business models, etc.
The Company’s “Total solution services through electricity visualization and comprehension” was awarded the Energy Conservation Center Chairman’s Award in the communications sector of the product and business model section of the FY2021 Energy Conservation Grand Prize in recognition of the results of consultations to customers to date.

PDCA cycle for energy conservation activities